


I offer individual psychotherapy for patients in my private practice. Therapy is telehealth and self-pay only. Self-pay means I do not accept insurance; however, I can provide a statement for your insurance company if you would like to submit for out of network reimbursement. Please contact me with any questions.

* My practice is currently closed. I will be accepting new patients in Fall 2022



I offer a few different types of virtual mindfulness courses and meditation coaching. Meditation coaching is an educational service; it is not a clinical or therapeutic service (e.g., it is not therapy). Coaching can be targeted to a different area, including how to use meditation to help with general stress management, work stress, relationship stress, healthy lifestyle, emotional well-being, and more. Please contact me to learn more.

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Using Zoom, participate in individualized, tailored meditation coaching 1:1 with Dr. Luberto. Coaching typically includes 8 1-hour weekly sessions, though we can flexibly decide on the schedule together.

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Using Zoom, learn and practice mindfulness, share insights, and connect “face-to-face” with others. Courses are anywhere from 3 - 8 weeks long, with approximately 1.5 hour sessions held once per week on weekday evenings. The recommended group size is 8-16 people.

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For more condensed, introductory training. These are one-time coaching sessions lasting 3-6 hours that provide an initial overview and training in mindfulness for specific problems or goals. Group sizes can range from 8-35 people.



I am available for professional lectures and consultations in the following areas, with additional areas possible upon request.


For mental health providers and trainees, I provide training in evidence-based approaches for integrating mindfulness meditation with cognitive-behavioral therapy.


This includes education and training for healthcare providers to learn the basics of mindfulness meditation for their own self-care practice, as well as how to incorporate mindfulness skills into patient care.


I teach practical skills for how to apply mindful awareness to everyday life to reduce stress and build resiliency.


3-Minute Breathing Exercise

3-Minute Breathing Exercise

3-Minute Breathing Exercise for Stress Management

3-Minute Breathing Exercise for Stress Management

Body Scan (15 minutes)

Body Scan (15 minutes)

Body Scan (30-minutes)

Body Scan (30-minutes)

Loving Kindness Meditation

Loving Kindness Meditation

Sitting Meditation (15-minutes)

Sitting Meditation (15-minutes)

